Monday, March 2, 2009


I know it's just a phase that toddler's go through but it's stressing me out. Every time I think that there is nothing on the floor or in reach there she is chewing on something. Ugh! I just know she's going to choke on something. I have fussed at her and put her in time out. I understand that their memory isn't as good as an adults but you would think that as many times as we have gotten onto her for this she would be past it.

This morning as I'm trying to make sure we have everything together for daycare, I turn around and there she is chewing on something. As soon as I turn around and she realizes I see her she grabs the round rubber whatever out of her mouth. She could have easily choked on it. I asked her where she found such a thing and she kept saying back of that, which was the baby gate. I inspected it and could not see anything missing so I have no clue what it was. I'm so stressed right now over lots of things and I didn't want to have to get onto her first thing this morning but it was like every time I turned around this was happening. Ugh!

So I just really want to scream. Again I know it's just a phase but it's a very stressing one at that. I'm sure in a few weeks she will be on to another phase and I'll be saying I know it's just a phase. It's crazy how they go through the phases and you think you're prepared but nope not at all. It's something new every day. Every day there is a new challenge, a new phase, a new word, a new something. She's growing up so fast into this independent little girl and it amazes me how fast time goes by. I just hope this phase ends soon. I hate digging stuff out of her mouth and I hate not know what was that you just swallowed. Ugh. Phases!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey girl! i am glad to know you are on here, too!!!! karlee is getting so BIG!!! i have been around working, i promise! guess we have just missed each other at the big fc :) bud and i have thought about coming back to first baptist lately too, are you guys still going there? hope you have a great weekend!!!
